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Awarded contract

As Security Cluster Lead Department, HMRC will be standing up a Central Cluster Security Unit delivering security services to other departments. We are seeking transition from design, standing up the Cluster Security Unit and delivery of live services with Cabinet Office ensuring alignment to central operating model and design consistency.

Contract detail

Contract status Awarded contract - awarded
Contract can renew No
Contract type Services
Contract sector
  • IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Contract location
  • London
Contract suitable for SME Yes
Contract suitable for VCO No
Contract notice published 31 August 2018
Contract tender deadline
19 June 2018
Contract start 1 September 2018
Contract end

31 March 2019

Add contract end date to your calendar

Contract duration
Contact name Jessica Goodwin
Contact phone -
Contact email jessica.goodwin@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk
Contract value awarded
Contract awarded 1 August 2018
Opportunity analysis
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
Supplier Name City Region Country SME Awarded Value
Finyx Consulting Limited Yorkshire And The Humber United Kingdom Yes £850K
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