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Awarded contract

Requirement is for the supply of Route Survey Tasking and Analytics on behalf of The Navy IW team for 12 Months.
Aligned with wider Navy IW-Artificial Intelligence and Data Programme NELSON and wider edicts such as JCN-1/18-Human Machine Teaming. The Navy requires a new and improved platform from which to plan, task and analyse Q-Route surveys with an integral Machine Learning component to improve mission success over time.

Contract detail

Contract status Awarded contract - awarded
£0 - 452K
Contract can renew No
Contract type Products
Contract sector
  • Market research services
Contract location
  • South East
Contract suitable for SME Yes
Contract suitable for VCO No
Contract notice published 1 May 2019
Contract tender deadline
18 March 2019
Contract start 23 April 2019
Contract end

23 April 2020

Add contract end date to your calendar

Contract duration
Contact name David Parker
Contact phone 02392727473
Contact email david.parker136@mod.gov.uk
Contract value awarded
Contract awarded 18 April 2019
Awarded under framework: RM1043.5 Digital Outcomes and Specialists 3
Opportunity analysis
Ministry of Defence (MOD)
Supplier Name City Region Country SME Awarded Value
ENVITIA LTD South East United Kingdom Yes £452K
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