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ProactisCOVID Secure Elections
COVID Secure Elections
Contract status | Awarded contract - awarded |
Value |
Contract can renew | No |
Contract type | - |
Contract sectors |
Contract notice published | 26 April 2021 |
Contract tender deadline | - |
Contract start | 26 April 2021 |
Contract end |
7 May 2021 Add contract end date to your calendar |
Contract duration |
0 months
Contact name | Mr Tim Dent |
Contact phone | 0114 205 3646 |
Contact email | tim.dent@sheffield.gov.uk |
Contract value awarded |
Contract awarded | 24 February 2021 |
Supplier Name | City | Region | Country | SME | Awarded Value |
FACILITIES & CORPORATE SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Birmingham | West Midlands | United Kingdom | Yes | £90.2K * |
IDOX SOFTWARE LTD | South East | United Kingdom | No | £90.2K * | |
Shaw & Sons | Dartford | South East | United Kingdom | No | £90.2K * |