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NHS Lothian Deans and Eliburn Medical Centre.

NHS Lothian - Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom


Expressions of interest are invited to provide primary medical services under a General Medical Services Contract for approximately 11 500 patients in the Livingston area of West Lothian. The GMS services are provided from NHS Lothian owned premises at Carmondean Centre, Livingston, EH54 8PY.

This is an excellent opportunity to improve health outcomes and NHS Lothian would welcome applications from interested parties that will deliver high quality primary medical services responsive to the needs of the patient population. As...

Contract detail

Contract status Closed Tender
Contract can renew No
Contract type Services
Contract sector
  • Medical practice and related services
Contract location
  • Scotland
Contract notice published 14 April 2017
Contract tender deadline
15 May 2017

Add bid deadline date to your calendar:

Contract start -
Contract end


Contract duration
Contact name Alison McNeillage
Contact phone +44 1315378422
Contact email alison.mcneillage@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Opportunity analysis
NHS Lothian
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