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Procurement for a TfL Asset Management Information System

Transport for London (TfL) - London , London, United Kingdom

Tender notice

This procurement envisages a commercial off the shelf asset management software package with a level of configurability to accommodate TfL specific requirements. The requirement is to migrate from existing systems to one single supported Asset Management Information System (AMIS). The products and services required are initial Transition services from existing systems including the following:— mobilisation, planning and requirements validation,— detailed planning and design,— technical readiness (the build activities required...

Contract detail

Contract status Tender notice - closed
Contract can renew No
Contract type Services
Contract sectors
  • Software package and information systems
  • Repair and maintenance services of personal computers
  • Software programming and consultancy services
  • Data services
  • Computer support and consultancy services
Contract location
  • London
Contract has EU funding No
Contract notice published 11 December 2018
Contract tender deadline
22 January 2019

Add bid deadline date to your calendar:

Contract start -
Contract end


Contract duration
9 years, 6 months
Opportunity analysis
Transport for London (TfL)
©2024 Tussell Limited. Site contains public sector information (a) licensed for use by the UK Government under the Open Government License v3.0 and/or (b) from the EU Tenders Electronic Daily website licenced for re-use by the European Commission. This information remains the copyright of the UK Government and European Commission respectively.