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Tender notice

Southern Water’s current contract for provision of mobile telephony services is due to expire on 30.9.2019 and it is intended that a new contract be awarded by 30.6.2019 to facilitate effective transition. This activity will seek to develop a Framework Agreement to cover the following:— transition from current supply arrangements, including issue of replacement SIM cards if required,— supply of SIM cards and dongles,— SIM cards for specialist requirements (such as telemetry),— provision of airtime contracts (voice and data),—...

Contract detail

Contract status Tender notice - closed
Contract can renew No
Contract type Supplies
Contract sectors
  • Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
  • Mobile telephones
  • Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus
  • Telecommunications equipment and supplies
  • Wireless telecommunications system
Contract location
  • South East
Contract has EU funding No
Contract notice published 18 February 2019
Contract tender deadline
28 February 2019

Add bid deadline date to your calendar:

Contract start -
Contract end


Contract duration
Opportunity analysis
Southern Water Services Ltd
©2024 Tussell Limited. Site contains public sector information (a) licensed for use by the UK Government under the Open Government License v3.0 and/or (b) from the EU Tenders Electronic Daily website licenced for re-use by the European Commission. This information remains the copyright of the UK Government and European Commission respectively.