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Public Cloud for the National Digital Platform

NHS Education for Scotland - Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Tender notice

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) wishes to contract for provision of public cloud services to host the National Digital Platform.Development of the National Digital Platform (NDP) is a commitment under the Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Strategy which was published in April 2018. The NDP work is being taken forward by NES Digital Service.The platform will:— make it possible to create and deploy real time data at the point of care (including through self-service) to improve the quality of care and patient...

Contract detail

Contract status Tender notice - closed
Contract can renew No
Contract type Services
Contract sectors
  • IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • Data-processing services
  • Computer-related management services
Contract location
  • Scotland
Contract has EU funding No
Contract notice published 8 March 2019
Contract tender deadline
5 April 2019

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Contract start -
Contract end


Contract duration
Opportunity analysis
NHS Education for Scotland
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