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The contract is for continuation of hosting provision for 13 HMRC applications on Virtual Managed Environment (VME) Platform, on which they are currently hosted. The contract includes option for potential provision of modernisation and application services for the hosted applications, which will be either decommissioned or transitioned from the VME (and later the upgraded MVE) platform during the life span of this contract.

Contract detail

Contract status Awarded contract - awarded
£0 - 169M
Contract can renew No
Contract type Services
Contract sectors
  • Data-processing machines (hardware)
  • Programming services of packaged software products
  • Provider services
Contract locations
  • East Midlands
  • East Of England
  • London
  • North East
  • Northern Ireland
Contract suitable for SME No
Contract suitable for VCO No
Contract notice published 26 April 2021
Contract tender deadline
14 November 2020
Contract start 21 November 2020
Contract end

30 June 2025

Add contract end date to your calendar

Contract duration
4 years, 7 months
Contact name Sarah Phillips
Contact phone -
Contact email sarah.phillips@hmrc.gov.uk
Contract value awarded
Contract awarded 21 November 2020
Opportunity analysis
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
Supplier Name City Region Country SME Awarded Value
Fujitsu Services Limited South East United Kingdom No £169M
©2024 Tussell Limited. Site contains public sector information (a) licensed for use by the UK Government under the Open Government License v3.0 and/or (b) from the EU Tenders Electronic Daily website licenced for re-use by the European Commission. This information remains the copyright of the UK Government and European Commission respectively.